
Finding Our Voice: A Vision for Asian North American Preaching is unavailable, but you can change that!

No one preaches in a cultural vacuum. The message of what God has done in Christ is good news to all, but to have the greatest impact on its hearers—or even to be understood at all—it must be culturally contextualized. Finding Our Voice speaks clearly to an issue that has largely been ignored: preaching to Asian North American (ANA) contexts. In addition to reworking hermeneutics, theology, and...

of heresy end up absolutizing everything about their expression of their faith, including their culture.”13 We commonly find glimpses of syncretism with respect to Eastern religions like Buddhism, Confucianism, Shamanism, and Taoism blending with Christianity. Concepts from Buddhism like karma and Shamanistic blessings subconsciously amalgamate with similar Christian teachings.14 The third category, which is our perspective in this book, is exclusivism. Exclusivism contends that Christianity is the
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